Caring for the self

What I need as medicine (in the Shamanic /  native peoples usage), can be very different than what many others need.  As I continue to journey through this life, I’m discovering just how unique my needs are.

Lately, spirit animals and totems have become very important to me.  This isn’t something I would have thought possible.  (Having one much less being able to relate to the experience of it).   The animals have been: Fly, Cockroach, Wasp.  As I allowed for the messages to be as they were, I embarked on my quest for knowledge and found a true treasure for my process that I now am, and will forever be, thankful to becoming aware of.  I even found a card set that encourages and supports this aspect of spiritual engagement.  The level of comfort I feel from this realization turning actualization, is one of great peace and completeness.

Another way I’ve come to find my best medicine: nature, plants specifically.  I’ve always been fond of plants and all that grows, gardening is a medicine I’ve had a long time.  Thank goodness!  Engaging with plants and mother earth, Gaia, pacha mama, in this manner has been of the utmost comfort through out my life.  Most recently, I discovered that my relationship with this would evolve.  I returned from my shamanic retreat, where our group instilled healing and cosmic awareness, 2 weeks ago.  Upon return,  I had a most interesting interaction with one of my favorite plants: cilantro.  It’s not just an herb I absolutely love eating, but growing lots of it has been a goal of mine for years now.  It’s finally happening, I’m proud to report!  I managed to drop seeds all over the place, some fell naturally on their own.  Now, I’ve got all kinds of patches of it growing around our house and in the ‘wild garden’ that was my 1st gardening attempt.


I had been having a very introspective day and felt that being outside, using all my senses other than site, would be very helpful.  As I wandered, I felt the messages of all that surrounded me in nature, coming through.  As I walked, I came upon one of these patches and decided to sit with it, while listening to avid bird calls all around me.  As I sat there, a deep emotional/ thought experience began to bubble up, and as I observed it and my surroundings without judgement or attachment, but mere observation, I noticed a distant feature that was new.  The perfumed essence of the coriander plant became very noticeable.  I’ve begun to realize the ‘suddenly’ noticeable quality of a natural ally, becoming obvious, is sign to me that it is connecting and communing with me.  As I care for the plants, so they care for me.  It was on the shamanic retreat, that I learned to thank the allies in my process and offer then praise for their beauty and qualities.  That was really an awesome lesson to come upon!  (So simple, yet so profound)

The further down my path that I venture, the more I come to that is truly helpful, healing and guiding.  I’m so profoundly thankful that I’m being shown various ways I can engage in my spiritual practice, that aren’t dictated by another, dogma, or alienating.  This practice, I share with all others.  For it is not the details of how we discover ourselves, it’s that we do it so that humanity can align and share what is available in our higher consciousness, together.


Spirituality lock box


A spiritual path, according to me. (Just in case you were wondering about this being my opinion and experience.)
The spiritual path is like walking a journey and finding keys along the way. Keys that are only a part of the combination, that when inserted into the lock, cracks the egg of consciousness open further and further, little by little.

How to find these keys?  Only way to do that is to journey your spiritual experience. Whatever that means to each person. No right or wrong. Some might struggle more because they do not understand they are incongruent with their truth, their actual.  Others struggle off and on through out their process, as it needs to be, for whatever reason.  It’s not that those who are more aware are better.  It’s that through our exchange with the world around us, we alchemize our reality/ experience into a work of art. Becoming the most proficient masters of our own creation.

Truth is universal, every human and being is allowed the experience of the higher self.

This might seem vague, but it’s maybe longer than it need be.

This feels so familiar



Tiffany Villarreal, 2015

This feeling of nausea and dizziness.  The overwhelming notion that this is all so right, but I must be wrong.  The gift was delivered to the wrong address.  It’s not for me.

But then I was told a story in pictures, sounds, feelings, notions.  I had visions of beauty that told me my truth.  Thoughts and dreams that replaced my heart.  I’ve always been strong, always been right… I’ve always known.  Now, I’m allowing myself to fully realize.
